Tidak terasa umat Islam di seluruh dunia kini kembali bersuka cita merayakan Idul Adha 1441 H / 2020 M. Sebagaimana lazimnya, tradisi Muslim saling memberikan ucapan Idul Adha dalam berbagai bahasa, baik itu bahasa Inggris, Indonesia, Mandarin, Arab dan lain-lain.

Memberikan ucapan hari raya adalah salah satu cara Muslim untuk saling meminta maaf dan menyambung tali silaturahmi. Selain juga sebagai momentum berbagi kebahagiaan dan rasa syukur sebab masih diberikan kesempatan usia dan kesehatan untuk merayakan hari besar Islam.

Berikut ucapan Idul Adha 2020 dalam bahasa Inggris yang bisa dikirim kepada teman dan saudara.

Sebagaimana dilansir dari Mirror, memberi ucapan hari raya yang simpel bisa menggunakan “Eid Mubarak” yang maknanya sepadan dengan ucapan “Happy Festival”.

Selain itu, kita juga bisa memberi ucapan sekaligus doa kepada orang lain, seperti berikut ini:

“May the divine blessings of Allah bring you hope, faith, and joy on Eid al-Adha and forever. Happy Eid al-Adha 2020!”

“May the magic of this Eid bring lots of happiness in your life and may you celebrate it with all your close friends and may it fill your heart with wonders. Eid Mubarak!”

“May the divine blessings of Allah bring you hope, faith and joy on Eid al-Adha and forever. Happy Eid al-Adha!”

Seperti dikutip dari Express, di samping ucapan, kita juga dapat menggunakan kutipan dan puisi pendek berikut ini:

1. On Eid al-Adha, wishing that your sacrifices are appreciated and your prayers are answered by the Almighty. Have a blessed Eid Al-Adha!

2. May the divine blessings of Allah bring you hope, faith, and joy on Eid al-Adha and forever. Happy Eid al-Adha 2020!

3. On the Holy occasion of Eid al-Adha that celebrates the Hajj… May you be filled with happiness and may every step of your journey through life be blessed by Allah. Eid Mubarak!

4. Eid al-Adha Mubarak: It is not their meat nor their blood, that reaches Allah: It is your piety that reaches him: he has thus made them subject to you, that ye may glorify Allah for his guidance to you and proclaim the good news to all who do right.

5. May the magic of this Eid bring lots of happiness in your life and may you celebrate it with all your close friends and may it fill your heart with wonders. Eid Mubarak!

6. He is the One God; the Creator, the Initiator, the Designer. To Him belong the most beautiful names. Glorifying Him is everything in the heavens and the earth. He is the Almighty, most wise.

7. I put my trust in Allah, my Lord and your Lord! There is not a moving creature, but He has a grasp of its forelock. Verily, my Lord is on the straight path [the truth].

8. The moon has been sighted

    The samosas are ready

    Here comes Eid so just go steady

    Lots of duas is all I request

    And just wanted to wish you all the Best!!! Eid Mubarak

9. May the Almighty guides us on the right path,

   Fill our hearts with sympathy so we can help

   The needy and poor people in all the stages of life

   Eid Mubarak

10. May God send his Love like Sunshine

     in his warm and gentle ways

     to fill every corner of your Heart 

    and filled your Life with a lot of

    Happiness like this EID DAY.

    Wishing you EID MUBARAK.

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